+1 (310) 464 1604 [email protected]

Industry – Oil & Gas

A powerful Push to Talk solution for the Oil & Gas Industry

How Can Sentor PTX Be Used In The Oil & Gas Industry?

Sentor PTX is a powerful Push To Talk radio solution that can be configured to suit the Oil & Gas Industry.

Natural resource operations typically span an array of disciplines, organizations, and legal entities. A complex chain of collaboration is required to extract, transport, store, refine, and deliver finished energy products to end consumers. The safety and efficiency of the entire process is hindered by breakdowns in communication at any point along this chain.

Push To Talk Oil & Gas
Sentor PTX allows Oil & Gas industry users to take advantage if their existing cellular coverage to allow staff to keep in constant communication when maintaining pumping equipment, pipelines, even remote operation centres.

A remote operation centre can monitor all personnel and monitor for emergency alerts to ensure the team is safe.

GPS Tracking

Know where your vehicles are in an instant

Talk Instantly

Communicate with team members at the push of a button.


Set up Geo Fences to get alerts when a driver enters or leave an area.

Emergency Alerts

Be alerted instantly to a team member in distress.

Contact Sentor PTX

Our friendly team are happy to guide you through the process and answer any questions you have.