+1 (310) 464 1604 [email protected]

Industry – Transport

A powerful Push to Talk solution for the Transport Industry

How Can Sentor PTX Be Used In The Transport Industry?

Sentor PTX is a powerful Push-To-Talk radio solution that can be configured to suit the Transport Industry.

Technology is changing the way transportation businesses communicate – for the better. This is largely thanks to push-to-talk technology over cellular which allows transportation businesses to communicate with their people on the ground, in the air, and on the water wherever they may be, thanks to nationwide coverage.

Push To Talk Transport
Not only Push To Talk technology is changing the way we can communicate but is allowing businesses to work smarter and compete with businesses previously not possible without heavy investment.

Some key features within Sentor PTX that transport users found valuable included our GPS Tracking, Instant Push-To-Talk, Guard Tour & emergency alerts.

The Guard Tour feature will allow you to track when a user visited a defined location, this can be useful for bus companies with set routes and stops.  1-1 Calls and the dispatch console can be used together to contact remote users quickly.

GPS Tracking

Know where your vehicles are in an instant

Talk Instantly

Communicate with team members at the push of a button.


Set up Geo Fences to get alerts when a driver enters or leave an area.

Emergency Alerts

Be alerted instantly to a team member in distress.

Contact Sentor PTX

Our friendly team are happy to guide you through the process and answer any questions you have.